A great British band I learned about a few years back from listening to 92.5 The River, an independent radio station out of Boston. Since their 2004 debut album Hopes and Fears, they've been releasing a new album every 2 years or so, with Under the Iron Sea in 2006, Perfect Symmetry in 2008, and, most recently, Night Train in 2010. I've seen these guys in concert once, shortly after lead singer Tom Chaplain's stint in rehab, and it was a great show. My favorite songs by these guys include:
- Somewhere Only We Know
- Everybody's Changing
- This Is The Last Time
- Is It Any Wonder?
- Leaving So Soon
- Perfect Symmetry
- Stop for a Minute
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've at least heard of these guys, even if you haven't heard them. They, too, put on a good show. They have several albums out, and another slated for release later on this year (the first single Every Teardrop is a Waterfall is in rotation on most top-40 stations at the moment). A few favorites from Coldplay are:
- The Scientist
- In My Place
- Sparks
- What If
- The Hardest Part (I am, admittedly, not a big music video watcher, so I had never seen this one before... bizarre... watch it, you'll see)
- Lost!
- Strawberry Swing
A rather good-looking, bleach-blonde guy. He initially was part of a group called Mr. Hudson and the Library, but has since gone solo. I actually prefer his stuff with "the Library," it's a bit more melodic. His solo work is influenced by Kanye and over-uses TruTone technology a bit, but still has a few good tracks to it. He is reportedly working on a third album (second solo album) as we speak, so stay tuned... Some faves of mine are:
- Ask the DJ
- Take Us Somewhere New
- One Specific Thing
- Too Late Too Late
- Bread and Roses
And from his solo work:
- Supernova
- White Lies
This group hails from Scottland, and they currently have 3 albums out: Sing the Greys, The Midnight Organ Fight, and The Winter of Mixed Drinks. All are good, but I think The Midnight Organ Fight is my favorite (probably because it was also the one I knew of first). Overall favorites include:
- Good Arms vs Bad Arms
- Keep Yourself Warm (this video isn't very good - fan made- so put it on, and go do something else while you enjoy the music, PS it has dirty words... earmuffs, mom, earmuffs!)
- Modern Leper
- Old Old Fashioned
-Swim Until You Can't See Land
Yes, I know, (What's the Story) Morning Glory? came out when I was in 5th grade (that's 1994 for the rest of you), but I still love it to this day. Old school Oasis (ie before the Gallagher brothers decided they
- She's Electric
- Some Might Say
- Don't Look Back in Anger
- Champagne Supernova
- Wonderwall
And of course no list of "imports" would be complete without.....
I'm wearing a shirt with their picture on it right now as a matter of fact. They are nothing short of iconic, and groundbreaking. Their music is timeless, and if you don't love and appreciate them, I encourage you to listen to this selection (because to list all of my favorites would take up an obscene amount of time) of my favorite Beatles tunes:
- Eleanor Rigby
- Norwegian Wood (if you know my brother, ask him what he thinks this song is about... go on...)
- While My Guitar Gentle Weeps
- Imagine (OK, so it's just John Lennon... ha, just.... but he's still an import, so I say count it)
- Nowhere Man
- Paperback Writer
- A Day In the Life (my Dad used to wake us up in the morning by turning on the light and singing "get up, get out of bed, drag a crow across your head".... a parody of a line in this song.... so talented, my Dad)
Honourable Mentions:
1. The Kooks - try Mr. Maker, Always Where I Need to Be, and Do You Wanna
2. The Kaiser Chiefs - try I Predict a Riot, Never Miss a Beat, Everyday I Love You Less and Less, and my personal fave: Ruby
3. The Arctic Monkeys -try Fluorescent Adolescent, and Cornerstone
4. Ra Ra Riot - try Can You Tell
Whew... that ought to keep you busy for a while! Happy Listening
Personally, I like Kings of Leon.... just saying!
one word: KASABIAN
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